This spring we went to the Texas hill country for a few days and stopped by a nursery that had beautiful flowers and plants. I picked up three morning glory plants because I have always love the big blue flowers on them. I didn't plant them right away because we had to have a stump ground in the corner of the yard. The stump finally was ground and I planted them in the back corner of the yard by my once vegetable garden. We put up a metal trellis for them to climb on and waited for the glory of the blooms. And waited. And waited.
Finally the vines started to take off and then they REALLY took off with lots of vines and leaves, but no blooms. It looked like a potato vine on steroids! It was literally months before I saw my first bloom. I was not disappointed. It was magnificent! Then once they started blooming they didn't stop. The 3 neighbors who share that corner of the fence also have morning glories to enjoy because the vines are like a blanket hanging over the fences. On a clear day they are as blue as the sky! I would love to be able to reproduce these gorgeous beauties in my floral punch. Another challenge, I'll let you know if I come up with one. Anyway I love looking out my french doors and seeing the glorious display and I am reminded of the scriptures:
"Because of the L-RD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself. "The L-RD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."
Lamentations 3:22-24
"And we who with unveiled faces all reflect the L-RD's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory,
which comes from the L-ORD, who is Spirit."
2 Corinthians 3:18
Just as I waited for the blooms to come, I often have to wait upon the L-ORD for answers to my prayers and for direction. He never fails me and He is always faithful. The answers are not always the way I thought the answer or direction would be, sometimes it doesn't seem at the time that it is good at all! It is like surgery, you have to have the sick and diseased tissue cut out before you can be well. G-d knows what we need, how we need to received it, and what "surgery" we need to heal.
I was praying in the prayer garden in Glorietta NM many years ago and knew that G-d was real in my life but feeling a bit adrift. I asked Him if He was there. Boy, did I get an answer and it definitely wasn't the one I was expecting. I think the "garden" prayers are the tough ones, Yeshua prayed in a garden and received His answer and was faithful, for us. There were some devastating days after that prayer and the scars are still there. While I received my answer, He is there with me always, it took some hard times to show me just how much His is there. G-d is also a multi-tasker.
While answering my prayer He also wanted to do some "surgery" on me. He brought some long unhealed issues to the forefront and said "it is time to heal", you are strong enough in Me to deal with these things now. You know the saying "be careful of what you ask for", it is true when you pray also. The L-RD knows the real prayer and need in our hearts and will do what it takes to answer it to your best interests, even if it hurts a little.
In Zechariah 13:9 and Malachi 3:3 it says the L-RD will refine us as gold and silver. In refining these precious metals it takes heat to refine out the impurities so it will be pure. The refiner knows exactly how much heat to apply so that these impurities will surface and can be skimmed off. The heat has to be increased and applied at the right time, not too fast or not too much or the metal is ruined.
The L-RD knows how much "heat" we need to draw out the hurts, sins, and disobedience -the dross, the impurities - that keep us from being pure. I know from experience that it isn't always a pleasant! It hurts at times and I had/have to look at myself in the mirror of His Word and sometimes have to look at the ugliness there so that He can burn off these impurities and take the ashes and exchange them for His beauty! He is ever changing me from glory to glory in His likeness. I just have to cooperate!
Look for His Glory today and gloryify Him in your life always! I will pray that all who read this will see His morning glory and faithfulness every day!
Until the next post, Shalom,
Comments are always welcome if you have the time!