
Monday, March 31, 2008

Personalizing the blog!

Hi y'all,

Since I am so new to blogging I am trying out all the neat stuff you can put on the side etc. I still have to figure out how to put a slide show on so I can put the quilling projects I have done on it. In case you are wondering who Christine is on the "Christine's cat" below, she is my daughter who is in the Navy. She is stationed in Seattle after her ship, the USS Emory S. Land, was deployed back to the US after being in LaMadelenna Italy for many years. The navy didn't have room on the base for all the returning sailors so they put her up in an apartment off base. Her roomate adopted a kitten and this little black ball of fur "adopted" Christine. Except that this cute little kitten is described by Christine as "evil". He loves Christine and attacks her when she comes in, when she is on the phone, when she is asleep, whenever! So I put the cat on my blog so she could play with a nice cat! lol.

Later today I am going to post the first of my devotionals that the Lord has given me. The will be called "Salt Shaker" and will be under that label. I will post one each Monday and I hope that you will be encouraged in the Lord by what He has to say. Other posts will be about the Sabbath, what it is, why we celebrate it, and how you can celebrate it in your home. There will be quilling blogs with tips that I have learned, projects, reviews of quilling web sites and blogs for inspiration and supplies. Other blog posts will be about our family and what is up with us. Hope you enjoy what you see here!



Abbie said...

Hi Sonya!
I think your blog has a great start! I just love your quilling work, it is amazing to me! I am an antique paper freak and enjoy all things paper, although I have yet to try quilling. Hmm.. maybe a new project!
Have a fabulous day!

Unknown said...

Hi Sonya,
Nice to meet you and welcome to the world of blogs, its great fun.
Great quilling

Rosie x